Kasami offers himself to solve the problems of Mwenge South.
This is after he moved to the grassroot level to find out people's grievances, because that's what the representation role entails. He was able to move to all the Sub Counties and Town Councils in Mwenge South,with the above intentions.These include:Nyantungo S/C,Kisojo S/C,Kisojo T/C, Kihuura S/C,Butunduzi T/C,Kigaraale T/C,Kyakatwiire T/C,Nyabuharwa S/C and Butiiti T/C.
Kasami says he found the situation in most areas appalling for example,all the roads that stretch to the main road are in a sorrow state, water sanitation is very wanting,agricultural produce is much deep in villages but access to the main road for sale is a tag of war so farmers and traders remain stranded with their produce citing an example of Kigaraale where there's coffee,cassava and maize,but access is a problem .
He adds that there are no health facilities in some areas like Kisojo.
Kasami says as a leader, It is his aspiration to make all that suffering history.
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