Breaking News: Bobi Wine arrested in Qatar, Deported back to Uganda



From the information that daily news has learnt, Bobi Wine has been arrested from Qatar on allegations of drag trafficking and deported back to Uganda on his way to the US. 

Whereas the information is scanty about what exact contents he was found with , the Qatar Authorities gave him only one chance to return to his home or face the law.  some sources say he has been released, others say he is still in the hands of law enforcers at Hamad International Airport.  

According to the Daily News sources, the option of returning to Uganda was better for Bobi Wine to avoid himself from falling in deep hot soup. 

His Social Media handlers have posted claiming he was arrested for Covid related reasons.

The question unanswered is why did he not proceed to the US after Qatar authorities intervened. 

The story is still breaking. Daily News will keep you updated.

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