325 NUP members in Busia district and 2parliamentary Nup flagbearers for Samia Bugwe North and south have joined NRM and withdrew from the race leaving NRM flagbearers in the race against NRM leaning independents.
The converted NUP supporters say they have left NUP since it was mobilising them to engage in riots something they said is not beneficial to Ugandans.They also accused the NUP party leadership on concentrating on tribal talks rather than a unifying ideology.
There is agrowing trend which has seen thousands of NUP supporters crossing to NRM citing NUP's lack of ideology and developmental plans for Ugandans.
On 14th December, the NUP Kumi County parliamentary candidate, Twalib Osama pulled out of next year's election race and has since joined the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party, saying he made the decision after disagreeing with NUP leader Bobi Wine who was forcing him to mobilise people to carry out riots and destroy infrastructure in Kumi.
On 13th December, over Over
120 members of National Unity platform in Nwoya district crossed to
National Resistance movement and handed over their
registration books, party constitution and stamps.
The Nup coordinator for kibuku and pallisa districts Mr David watenyeri and group of 40 bobiwine campaigners yesterday defected to NRM citing lack of facilitation and what they called unseriousness of NUP leadership.
Nup mobilizers in Kashongi county Kiruhura District have also defected from NUP and joined the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) citing that they were mislead according to Agaba Seith Mugisha who was the Kiruhura NUP party coordinator.
Agaba says that he had mobilised 697 NUP supporters in Kashongi, adding that all these people had NUP party cards.
Agaba says that he had mobilised 697 NUP supporters in Kashongi, adding that all these people had NUP party cards.
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