You Vote App will not save NUP/Bobi Wine, it is meant to make accountability to the donors (Bazungu)

AKAMPA Tanbull
Political analyst

The excitement among Ugandan populations especially the youth in Kampala and Wakiso, is for world cup! Even when majority have been lied to that this U-Vote app of NUP has entire national voters' register on it! It is meant to confuse Ugandans into downloading the app as NUP leaders/Bobi wine bags more money from donors and google. The public deserves to know the truth than just lies.
The only entity mandated by the Constitution of Uganda to tally or transmit results from the different polling stations, from different Districts  to the main National tally Centre at Kyambogo, for final results is the Uganda Independent Electoral Commission, therefore there is no way, a private app can be attached to the electoral commission's tally system.

The U-vote app is merely to create confusion and chaos with in the Country on 14th January 2021, its other intentions are to account for donor money especially from the Western world/whites (Abazungu). Nothing else!

By the way, this app also undermines the  mandate of electoral commission and I need to be advised by my learned friends whether it does not contravene any law. But on a lighter note, we should go to our different polling stations and vote the leaders who will bridge our aspirations as a Country, this civic responsibility we can do it without any violence or chaos from both the voters and the security forces.

Let us look at the facts as to whdonors(bazungu)Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Tibuhaburwa is wining all the other presidential candidates with out any bias and prejudices (mostly portrayed by the opposition figures).

Yes, there is still more excitement that omusajja agenda like how my friends in Wandegeya told me, simply because Mr Bobi Wine is still youthful and attracts a number of youth in urban and peri-urban areas, most of these youth are not on the national voters' register because they never took the process of registration too serious, on the voting day, it will end in tears, those registered will not show up to vote reason being that most of them will not afford the struggle and the hustle of walking to their polling station is another factor. Most of these youth are genius when it comes to insulting people who do not agree with their cause mostly on social. This is the struggle they know best.

The most urbanized part of Uganda is Kampala City and it’s surrounding Wakiso district. If the opposition have any chance of winning, they need to have 80% to 90% voter turnout in this, their stronghold. And if Bobi Wine is to have a chance, he needs youthful voters turning out in massive numbers in Kampala and Wakiso to vote for him. But what is the reality on the ground!?

According to the Electoral Commission (EC) there are nearly 1.3m registered voters in Kampala. Of these, the youths (18-30) are 41% or 520,000. This is under registration because these age group is 51% of the adult (voting) population of Uganda. So even before votes are cast in Kampala, 10% (130,000) of people most likely to vote Bobi Wine are not registered voters in the city.

The situation is the same in Wakiso district with 2.8m registered voters, only 41% are youths, meaning another 280,000 people most likely to vote for Bobi Wine are not registered voters. Those are 310,000 votes not on the register in the geographical area and the voter demographic where Bobi Wine has the highest support.

Secondly, polling data shows that President Yoweri Museveni remains competitive among female youths. By competitive I mean that Bobi Wine does not have overwhelming support among female youths compared to male youths, and female youth are 51% of the registered voters.

Finally is voter turnout. Normally, only 45% of Kampala and Wakiso show up to vote. Although I don’t have the exact numbers I suspect youths. These facts make potential voting numbers for Bobi Wine even less.
And the other factor is that because Mr Bobi Wine/NUP. POA of FDC are threatening to cause chaos in these areas, most voters are likely not even to turn up to vote, they will prefer to either keep in their houses watching soaps and cartoons.

Instead of insulting us who give you facts rather than burry our heads in the sand like you, call upon all registered voters to come out and vote, build their confidence that you will not cause any chaos at different polling stations or towns even when results will not be in your favour or in your favour in some areas. That is mature democracy you should preach.

What I know is that NRM/President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni will massively win on 14th January 2021, please start writing congratulatory message to him and the people of Uganda for tolerating all the inconveniences elections have cause to them and their businesses.

Let us keep peace, come out in large numbers and exercise our civic responsibility as citizens of Uganda. Tukuume Embembe!

AKAMPA Tanbull
Political Analyst

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