The Collapse of Social Structures is to Blame for the Increase in Failing Societal Morals


The distinctive, stable arrangement of institutions, where human beings in society interact and live together in modern day society through culture, social class, social status, roles,  groups and institutions is failing, they are fast breaking down with no checks and balances.

The failing social structures have affected health, values in society, occupational attainment and sense of belonging in society.

In the past, you would hardly find a youth in the company of elders, unless they were there for guidance, facing disciplinary action or seeking for advice. Lately you can barely differentiate between elders and the youth, as they all sit around a pot of Ajoni (local brew) or around drafts and argue like two equals, who in the end fight and quarrel over women or men.

Such careless acts from both the elderly and youths have caused moral decay and laziness among the youth. They think of nothing but acquiring quick money without having to sweat for it, pushing them into dubious acts that break the law or morality in society like homosexuality and drugs.

The elders have lost the firm grip on raising upright children in society; they have left most children to fate, who turn to social media for quick answers forgetting that social media is often wrong and misguiding. Parents don't have time for their children, if they are not at work, they are out somewhere drinking or hanging out with those very children and messing around with them,  instead of guiding them.

As a society we need to identify where the problem is stemming from, and act.   Western influence has crept in to the point that things that were unacceptable in the African culture are now normal.

There is need to recognize the problem and the institutions responsible need to work hard towards restoring order of the social structures like religious leaders, cultural leaders. They need to come up with activities that engage youths into being productive and respectful of culture and morals.

This way, our social structures might strive again and maybe even boost the economy.



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