A statement issued by the State House in Kenya indicates that there will be a meeting of Regional Commanders over the deteriorating security situation in the Eastern part of Democratic Republic of Congo.

The meeting of regional commanders of the respective Defence Forces will be scheduled for Sunday 19th June 2022 in Nairobi.

“In this regard, the meeting of the regional commanders of the respective Defence Forces, cooperating in the Nairobi Process, scheduled for Sunday 19th June 2022, in Nairobi should finalize preparations to undertake the deployment of the Regional Force,’’ the statement read.

According to the statement, Uhuru Kenyatta, the chairman of the East African community expressed his concern regarding the open hostilities that have created a serious threat to the success of the regional leadership's work including the promotion of the outcomes of the Inter-Congolese (DRC) consultations of the Nairobi Process.

This comes after the increasing regional concerns over the security situation in DRC that have pushed him to call for urgent activation of the East African Standby Forces and declare a weapon free zone in the mostly affected areas of Ituri, North Kivu, such as Bunagana, Bugusa, most parts of Petit Nord, Masisi, Lubero, Beni-Kasindi main axis, and South Kivu provinces.

“In doing so, I call for the activation of the East African Regional Force under the auspices of the East African Community (EAC),” Kenyatta said.

The regional force is a component of the military/security enforcement track provided for in the communiqué adopted on 21st April 2022.

''The hostilities in particular threaten to undermine the ongoing political process (the political track) aimed at addressing the Security situation as provided for under the 21st April 2022 communique,'' read the statement.

Recently, the M23 rebel group clashed with the Country’s government forces FARDC, in areas of Ituri, North Kivu, such as Bunagana, Bugusa, most parts of Petit Nord, Masisi, Lubero, Beni-Kasindi main axis, and South Kivu provinces.

President Kenyatta wants these areas to be declared a ‘Weapons Free Zone’ where any individual or group carrying weapons outside the official and legally deployed and mandated forces in the country will be disarmed.

"The regional force will work with local provincial authorities to support an orderly and permanent disarmament process under the Programme de Desarmement, Demobilisation, Relevement Communautaire et Stabilisation (P-DDRCS) in order to create enabling conditions towards stability and peace in the eastern DRC," the Kenyan president said.

He continued to state that he was encouraged by the positive progress and commitment of leaders to find lasting peace for the people of the DRC, and called upon the political leadership in the region to remain committed to putting in place and reinforcing the political and military efforts in the DRC towards building lasting peace and stability in the country.      



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