Raise All Children with Equality and Guarantee a Bright Future


Joel Namutali was raised as an only boy child in the family of four children. He was treated like a breakable glass, who could not even get a glass of water for himself from the fridge, and his sisters did each and everything for him at the request of his parents.

Joel’s life got more complicated, when his parents passed on. His sisters who had also settled with their husbands left him to fend for himself. He sold off all his parents property and drunk it away.

He could not hold one single job, as he was so lazy and wanted everything to be done for him. Joel unfortunately passed away at the young age of 30 from drinking cheap alcohol.

Society tends to think and believe only girls need the training on life’s skills ignoring the boy child whom they nurture and raise like a king.

Boys for a long time have had and been treated like kings in society, they were their father’s heirs, their mother’s defenders and their sister’s protectors, which gave them entitlement to a lot of things like inheritance.

A man who fails to get a male child is despised by society and is encouraged to marry as many women as possible until he gets a male child; most societies blame lack of bearing male children to women. Women are held to a higher standard in society while letting the men and boys slip through.

Mothers’ only train and discipline female children, but ignore basic trainings to the male children, who they raise as future heirs and need not be troubled by house chores. This has led to gender imbalance and a lot of burdens bestowed upon the girl child.

Carrying on with such beliefs and ideas, society stands to lose more boys to crime than the girls. Since all training and disciplining is geared towards one side, you normally hear warnings like as a girl don’t do this, so how about the boys? Who are equally children and need constant parental care and guidance? Who is advising them?

Gone are the days when girls stayed home and tendered to house chores, times have changed and both sexes are competing for equal space and responsibilities.

The training of only the girl child by society is with selfish motives, she is trained to be a good wife, good mother, hard worker, basically multitaskers. Whereas the boy is prepared to inherent the family’s wealth and properties, making them miss out on basic life trainings.

Children are a wonderful blessing from God, who should be treated in equal measures and not pampered or pitted against one another. Boys need home and personal training to take the burden off the girls and also be able to sustain themselves effectively when the world deals them the wrong hand.



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