FDC Presidential aspirants shun Presidential debate

Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) presidential aspirants have avoided the presidential debate that was organized by NBS TV scheduled 07th October 2020, 9:30pm.

Patrick Amuriat and Waswa Bigirwa who are veying for to the FDC flag for the 2021 presidentail race were expected to faceoff in a live televised presidential debate, debating on several issues of governance. However the two candidates didn’t turn up, disappointing the viewers, party supporters and the hosts.

Speaking at NBS, the Forum for Democratic Change spokesperson Hon. Ssemujju Nganda reaveled that the two candidates were too tired from the country wide engagements they have been on in addition to organizing the excutive council meeting that will take place on 8th October 2020.

However, analysts believe FDC intentionally stopped their candidates from appearing on the live televised debate to conceal the lacking manifesto that the candidates would have presented, exposing their weaknesses at this early stage.



1 comment:

  1. I have few questions for NBS .

    Did they invite them in advance? If yes prove with the Letter.

    Did the candidates acknowledge receipt for the invitation and replied to NBS? If yes prove with the letter.

    NBS should reveal that information instead of being used to create unncunneces situations in opposition candidates !
